Sunday, October 19, 2008

Goodbye Portland, Hello Kitty!

So we said goodbye to Portland this morning, a little later than we probably should have. We're currently sitting in a Super 8 Motel room in Arcata, California on our way to SAN FRANCISCO. Basically we've been driving all day (a good 12 hours) and we're super tired. Today we saw the Oregon Coast and tomorrow is super big redwood trees!

Also, Miss Kitty Tooher has joined our group, turning our foursome into a fearsome fivesome, and she drove Bessy for about 90% of the day's journey, quickly establishing her awesomeness.

I'll reflect more on Portland later. I just wanted to check in and say hello. Hello!


Shaunna said...

hello. i love you and wish you oodles and oodles of fun in san fran. i chilled with your folks last night. your dad bonded with reese.

i will see you in 2 weeks and 5 days. that fills my heart with joy.

EMILY said...

MIKE I miss you come home to me so we can go get you fit for your tux for Stephen's wedding. what color tie are you wearing, so I can match my dress.

gossip girl

Anonymous said...

That's the second, maybe third time I read that title and only now got the pun.


nikkie said...

san fran is AMAZING. you will LOVE!

it's a mini west coast new york with an ocean.