Friday, October 31, 2008


Hey y'all!

Sorry, Paula Dean is on the television and I can't resist.

So it's our last day in San Francisco and I'm packing to leave! Awesome. But tonight is Halloween and we're going out out out! Actually, I don't think we know what exactly we're doing or being so that's a big question mark. I think we're going to just wear silly outfits and walk around and revel in the general craziness. We went out last Saturday and it wasn't even Halloween and people were out and about, many in costumes so I'm expecting the crazy.

Anyway, then we get to wake up early and leave! No, it won't be fun, but it does mean I'm that much closer to a good old fashioned Allie Gevarter dinner, which, for those of you in the know, is a big deal. That last sentence had five commas. I am King of the Clauses.

Now for the real reason I posted this: a new video! Once again I am amazing and clicked here and clicked there and have another mini-retrospective of our adventures. This one is heavy on the Chicago since we filmed everything there because it was Day 1. Which was two months ago. Again, crazy.

Finally, I suggest clicking on the video to get over to the video's youtube page because now you can click "watch in high quality" directly underneath the video. So if you're computer can handle that, it's a much better watch.

I'll post the info later because I have more stuff to do. KHAN!


Shaunna said...

wonderful. another night-maker. i don't get the whole lucy thing, though.

LC said...

whenever leah's in it and she talks i feel like i'm there!

the first time she talked i was like WHAT when was i theere!!!?

so keep putting leah in videos, please.


Katie said...

"Did they go to a high school dance?" asks Corinne during the roller disco scene.