Tuesday, September 2, 2008

oh, here's a thing we haven't mentioned yet:

there are spiders. like, a lot. along a fence last night, there were -- i'm going to say hundreds. just aallllllll along the lake, those spiders were hanging out for the evening, marking their territory.

holla to the blogs belonging to katie and lipenta and shaunna and paul! and lisa lacey, who may or may not be straight up spam. i'm looking into it.

(later we're going dancing!)


Katie said...

My blog is easily twice as interesting as Lisa Lacey's.

I was going to call you back tonight but are you playing an open mic right now? Inquiring mind wants to know.

You know what to do about the spiders, don't you? Follow the spiders.

I am commenting on this too much.

nikkie said...

Hey favorites!
I'm new on this blogger thing, but have no fear, you will always have whatever Katie Coyle says plus 1 on each entry......

I'm the only one left at marymount. this semester is going to BLOW without you.

Paul Tsikitas said...

A great Chicago band called Wilco has a song called Spiders (Kidsmoke) and makes mention of spiders along Lake Michigan. Actually it's not Lake Michigan but a private beach IN Michigan. Regardless, maybe it's an observation these spiders came from Michigan and are chillin for the summer. I'm the only douche who would make this reference I guess.

Keep on Truckin, suckas.

Anonymous said...

No, Tassini would too.